Employee Volunteer Management and
Corporate Social Responsibility
VSys Live for Employee Volunteer Management and Corporate Social Responsibility gives you:
- Single sign-on: no new accounts to create
- Hours entry
- Tools for sharing stories and experiences
- Self-run reports
- Calendars, news and suggested volunteer opportunities
- Send employees to community and other outside events
- Job and event signup
- Awards and recognition
- Complete online trainings (optional module)
- Lets your employees manage and view their own histories and run reports with their own data.
Single sign-on
By connecting to your existing Active Directory infrastructure, when employees sign into VSys Live - using the same logins they use everywhere else within the company - VSys will recognize them automatically. VSys Live can seamlessly create and update people in its database by drawing that data out of Active Directory each time the employee logs in.
VSys Live can reside entirely within your IT infrastructure, no need to expose your employee data to any outside organization. Face VSys Live inwardly (your intranet), publicly or both - your choice.
Use any of the 200+ reports in VSys to analyze your employees (and volunteers) quickly and easily. For example,
- Summarize volunteered hours and unique employees by department last year.
- Count and view all employees who participated in a particular type of project.
- Compare one department's hours against another.
- Report the value of all hours by corporate location, broken down by year and quarter.
- List the top employees in each department.
With VSys One's built-in analysis tools and flexible reporting system, the possibilities are endless.
Active Directory Integration
When an employee logs into VSys Live, if she doesn't exist in VSys, she is created in VSys One seamlessly based on her Active Directory profile. This means that you don't need to pre-populate VSys with all of your employees: that's done automatically and as needed.
For employees already in VSys, their records can be updated every time they log in (name, address, e-mail, department, etc.) No need to "push" data from your HR system to keep the volunteer system updated.
VSys Live uses a flexible framework that's entirely modular, where the features and tools can be added, changed and arranged. VSys Live can be configured to use your own styles, look like your existing intranet, and set up to show only what you want to your staff. No unnecessary bells and whistles, but plenty of power where you need it.
Multiple Sites on the Same Database
Maybe you have multiple organizational units or sites sharing the same employee database but want to give each their own unique looking site? Or want to give different tools to different types of employees? VSys Live lets you define multiple sites on the same database each with different available features and appearances yet all part of the same organization with reporting and analysis at the enterprise level.
Additional integration
The templates defined in VSys Live aren't fixed in stone: you can modify them yourself. That makes it straightforward to integrate VSys Live with your existing website or even embed VSys Live's functionality directly into your website.
The VOXI (VSys One eXchange Interface) that forms the business logic layer for VSys Live can also be licensed to give you direct access to the "brains" of VSys One and VSys Live.
System requirements
- VSys Live runs in a Server 2016+ environment. Requires 8GB memory, 4x CPU cores, 60GB disk for a single instance
- Connects to your existing VSys One database (SQL Server)
- Works within your existing virtualization environment (VMWare, Hyper-V, etc.)
- No development or customization required.
Optional Tools
VSys Live Online Training
The online training module lets you present YouTube videos to your staff, quiz them afterwards, and automatically score their responses. Passing grades become training records in VSys One so you know who's completed what trainings and when they need to be re-taken.
Custom CSS/Site Design
VSys Live comes with a standard template and CSS stylesheet that you or your web team can easily customize, no programming needed. If desired, we can develop a custom site design just for you to match your existing website interface.